ADVERTS EDITORIAL çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ Adverts Editorial ¹We have for this issue recieved a hell of a lot of advertisments and that seems that we are a quite popular mag. But getting 1326 adverts from one person is not fun. It takes time to edit. And therefore we have decide to include some new small rules for the advertisment. We believe in free advertisments but there are limits, we just can't spend so much time editing adverts just for free. (It takes a minute per advert to edit and colorize, guess how fun it is editing 7 adverts from the same person.) Everyone sending a disk with adverts will recieve 2 ²free¹ adverts. Its just as we have had before but with a max amount of two adverts. But either 2 ³38x20¹ adverts or 1 ³80x20¹ advert it is.. If you want more than 2 ³38x20¹ adverts or 1 ³80x20¹ advert you can send an extra disk for each set of 2 pieces ³38x20¹ or 1 piece ³80x20¹. I hope that you don't get to upset of this new policy and keep on supporting us. We simply want to have more time spent on the rest of the mag than the adverts... Send your adverts to: ¼Propaganda! ½Kaskog.18nb 16476 Kista Sweden